Friday, December 5, 2014


To sleep, perchance to dream -  
ay, there's the rub.  
 Hamlet  (III, i, 65-68)

it's some sort of cosmic, karmic joke that both of my boys have taken up extracurricular activities that require them to arrive at school before the sun is up on saturday mornings; seeing as i'm such a morning person.  but this week is different.

today todd left for virginia, to a national debate tournament, at 6:30 am.  incidentally, that's the same time my first alarm goes off on weekdays.  the first alarm being the one that i ignore and sleep through.  the first alarm being the one that cues mega to begin my real waking process, "wake up, i'm hungry!!"  so ordinarily i would fall back into bed after dropping him off and try to catch a couple more moments of dreamful sleep.

but not today, friday.  i left him at school, went to the grocery store, got home and readied myself for work, and there was a bounce in my step.  friday has long been my favorite day of the week..not because it's the end of the week, but rather because it's the beginning of the weekend.  full of promise and potential.  full of play and possibility.

for the past two years my december fridays have been polished off with an early quitting time at work.  we close at 2 for this month of fridays in order that we can plough the mall, prepare for the holiday, and perhaps elude gridlock.

that's already pretty perfect; but today, my friday precedes a saturday of peaceful, alarm-free, slumber.  the plan is poised:  boys out of town, pork dinner for mega, pillows prepped.

d:  plentiful dreams
b:  planning for pleasure
g:  private peace

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