Wednesday, August 18, 2010


in a family with four, no make that five (or even six if i count haley's) computers, i'd like to think we could keep at least one per person in working order. but right now, of the five computers in our house, only one is in 'perfect' working condition. two are inoperable. and my primary laptop is operating at a fraction of what it should be.

deep sigh

i like to think i'm a savvy computer person. i mean, i can muddle through all sorts of nonsense when it comes to operating systems ranging from windows to vista and even mac now, thanks to haley's imac. but this is ridiculous.

todd's desktop computer won't recognize the monitor, which i think is the fault of the monitor since it's done this sporadically on multiple computers. todd's laptop computer was about a million degrees today when i attempted to power it up from 'sleep'. and when it finally came alive it was 'seeing double'. literally two screens stacked horizontally on the monitor. after resetting it with battery removal and the whole nine, it will power up with a single image - but a psychedelic image - as though looking through a puddle of oily water. umm ok.

as for my laptops.. well, my work computer only has 10% of the hard drive free and that's apparently not enough to actually run the os with any sort of reliability. and since upgrading it isn't in the fiscal plan for my department, i'm going to have to off-load some data and cross my fingers. my other laptop - it technically works fine. except that i never bothered to enter the product keys for the office applications and now i'm running out of 'unauthorized uses'.. and i have no idea where i put the key information. i mean none. it's somewhere in between the top of the fridge in my snellville house and the attic of the yorkshire house.

deep sigh

oh and did i mention that i can't find the cables to connect the printer and even if i did find them, i'm not sure how to get the printer on the network. if there even is a network anymore. but i guess it doesn't matter if we have a printer, since we don't really even have computers.

and that's all i have to say about that.

d: an os that actually operates
b: i feel a little better now.
g: an inkling of how to fix 3 out of 4. an inkling.

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