Wednesday, December 2, 2009


-photo by renee lewis

this picture was taken in june. though i love many of the pictures taken with renee during our summer shoot, this is one of my very favorites. haley and i had been together only four months at this time and probably our biggest logistic challenge was coordinating wardrobes for pictures.

six months later i find myself driving down the street today, passing expensive, expansive homes, and realizing my distaste for them is directly proportionate to their size. 'why?' i asked myself. only to be met with the reality that i feel my own house is a trap, largely because of its size relative to my needs and resources.

that's nothing new, i've been struggling with that reality for years now. but not only do i feel trapped financially and burdened by square footage and location, there's also my heart...

the scales have tipped. one day at a time i have more and more reasons to go and fewer and fewer to stay. and owing to the F in my meyers-briggs, i admittedly make decisions with my heart rather than my head. so it's taken a hefty contribution on the 'leave' side to tip, but here i am.

with logistic considerations exceeding wardrobe.
with a decision that will make sense to both my heart and my head.
with a scale that has decidedly tipped.

d: the right buyer at the right time and the right price
b: i'm making a thoughtful decision i feel good about.
g: scales overflowing with love.

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