Sunday, April 25, 2010


trust (trŭst)

v. intr.
  1. To have or place reliance; depend: Trust in the Lord. Trust to destiny.

  2. To be confident; hope.

v. tr.
  1. To have or place confidence in; depend on.

  2. To expect with assurance; assume: I trust that you will be on time.

  3. To believe: I trust what you say.

  4. To place in the care of another; entrust.

the american heritage dictionary, in a discussion of synonyms, further defines: Trust implies depth and assurance of feeling that is often based on inconclusive evidence: The mayor vowed to justify the trust the electorate had placed in him.

i trust. i extend trust easily and retract it hesitantly. i know that i'm an exception to the rule in this regard. most people operate in the reverse, i think. as to whether that's a good thing or a bad, the jury is still out.

when i look closely at the dictionary definition of trust given above, for me the easiest ways i trust are hoping (v. intr.#1) and assured expectation (v. tr. #2).. and the hardest are depending (v. intr #1) and placing in the care of another (v. tr.#4). where i'm eternally hopeful and expect the best outcome is mine for the having, when my trust wavers it's in the depending and entrusting.

and even then, my confidence (v. intr. #2) usually bolsters my trust and it rarely wavers. until, beyond all of my hopefulness and all of my confidence and all of my expectation with assurance (v. tr. #2) i am proven wrong.

it takes quite a lot to convince me. i heartily agree with the american heritage's extended definition that trust implies a depth of feeling often based on inconclusive evidence.. and i will give the inconclusivity the benefit of the doubt until there is no doubt.

like i said above, i don't know if this is a good trait or not.. i fear what it says about my ability to protect myself. i fear what it means for my heart and the pain i'm susceptible to. i fear what it means... yet i don't know how to change it.

for..i fear, i trust.

d: trustworthiness
b: trustworthy
g: worth trust

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