Monday, May 17, 2010


some may see the recent decisions i've made as a step backwards in terms of fiscal responsibility, but i beg to differ.

about seven years ago i opted to stay in my house when i really should have sold it. i was letting go of a relationship and couldn't take on the added stress of moving out of my nearly newborn house. but honestly, hindsight being 20/20 and all, i couldn't afford it alone. i took out a variable rate loan and as the interest rate climbed, so did my angst. eventually i was forced to refinance into a fixed rate - fixed at a payment that created a negative cash flow avalanche...for the past three years. (or maybe four?) *sigh*

as the avalanche crashed down around me, so did my credit score. late payments. increasing revolving credit debt. and general robbing-peter-to-pay-paul cash management decisions. after all, i'm a gen x'er and we did learn how to charge in the 80's and 90's, if nothing else.

but this week i've made a decision to turn that around. it's essential. so the boys and i are downsizing. we're going to live smaller. we're going to live greener. and we're going to live in the black.

and as for this house... well, it's going to sell. one way or the other. at full price, with a miracle, or at a loss. either way, i'm cutting my loss right now. today.

d: a signed lease on a property identified
b: finally a responsible financial decision
g: i live in a universe of abundance

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