Young, female stranger in the bathroom line: "Wow, you two are so lucky."
Haley and I turn away from each other to the young girl standing behind us in line. "Oh?"
Stranger: "Yeah, you are lucky to have found someone that's so sweet to you. You look so happy together."
Haley and I turn away from each other to the young girl standing behind us in line. "Oh?"
Stranger: "Yeah, you are lucky to have found someone that's so sweet to you. You look so happy together."
this morning i turned on my computer and when it booted up, and all my programs launched, i was greeted by this little tidbit on the msn welcome screen. ('why you haven't met the one', if you don't make the jump) funny, i've been thinking a lot about this concept lately.. asking myself how the hell i got so lucky, all of a sudden.
last night haley and i received this compliment that echoed what we've been saying for months now. so i guess it shows. but yet i struggle with lucky. i feel incredibly lucky. i mean incredibly.
incredible [in-kred'-uh-buhl] adj: so extraordinary as to seem impossible
perhaps it is impossible. impossible that it could be all luck. so i took a look at the article. maybe i followed these rules laid out by the genius relationship advisors at msn.
number 1: does not apply. sparks? hell. there was fire.
i heard about meetings like this. love at first sight. nobody else in the room. instant chemistry. and i had always rolled my eyes at that. sure, i'd buy into lust at first sight and mutual attraction. but something more profound? doubtful.
and then it happened to me. instant electricity that put the rest of the room in the dark. so i can't really comment on this first suggestion to 'forget romance and use the friend filter.' pfft. puh-leeze.
number 2: check.
i'm not a T on the myers-briggs, i don't analyze and think things through as they happen to me. i'm the quintessential F. i follow my intuition and heart and gut. i take inventory continuously on how i'm feeling, but i don't analyze the results. and so, i haven't given a minute's thought to 'my date's resume' as long as i feel the way i do in her presence.
number 3: check.
i love this one. it's cheesy, the way it's written, but the principle rings true for me. every date, every day, i chose to take at face value. after a month, i said to haley and my friends, 'i never expected it to be as amazing as it is. if we walked away today, i'd be grateful for what we've shared thus far.' and every day i'm more grateful.
number 4: check. sort of.
how many times did haley and i pass each other over in the same bars, parties, clubs, circles of friends? right person, right place, right time. this is where i insert luck. or divine providence. or maybe we just showed up and had our eyes open, where they weren't before.
number 5: check.
duh. on my way to haley's house, first date, i'm chatting with jackie. i'm feeling the first rush of nerves and insecurity. do i look fat in these jeans? is my hair ok? jackie types, 'confidence is sexy. nervous is not. get over it.' she was right. i hang up and turn on my favorite sing-along cd. loud. it worked.
so, maybe i followed the rules without even knowing it. as luck would have it.
d: 'lucky' to permeate my professional life.
b: so happy it shows and can be shared.
g: a beautiful day to wake up to, a beautiful way to start my week.
this makes me happy :)