Saturday, August 8, 2009


tonight i got home from a full day and all the digital clocks in the house were blinking. luckily the fancy refrigerator i got on a scratch and dent sale at lowes years ago keeps track somehow of how long the power is out and that makes resetting things quite simple. of course, i do wear a watch, but it doesn't have numbers. so unless hours have passed... it's not very reliable for resetting things.

but when i reset the stove and microwave clocks tonight, it didn't even feel urgent and that struck me as representative of this entire week. though my watch has no numbers on the face, it does have a small window that shows the date and for that i am grateful. it's been my only tie to a calendar since monday.

there's been a nagging sense that i have fallen several days behind on my blog and ordinarily my calendarized life would create a window of opportunity to catch up.. but this week has been different. off the corporate schedule, not yet on a contractor's schedule, still on summer vacation, and answering only to my family, haley and mega - my time is absolutely my own.

and as such, timeless.

and so, for three days i haven't blogged at all. and where i'd usually feel obligated to catch up and fill in those calendar windows with my committed writings; i just don't feel that way this week. my last writings were very dark.. and i shut my computer on those words with tears in my eyes. it feels like a year ago; though only three days; and a million miles of emotional distance; though only a few inches of copy.

time is such a funny thing that way. moving so incredibly slow over last weekend and then so fast over the past three days. and so full and so empty all at the same time.

and so.. i write these dbgs for my timeless week.

d: more day hikes and camping trips with mega and my family.
b: mega is totally house broken at 10 weeks.
g: puppy love.. truly i never knew it could be like this.

d: regularly scheduled trips to newly discovered thrift stores.
b: awesome finds this week!
g: even the boys loved what i found them..

d: movies in theaters always fitting in.
b: i saw two this week!
g: still have a broadway show with the boys to look forward to tomorrow..

d: timeless intervals in my schedule.
b: i get to make my own schedule!
g: things i am excited to fill my days with!

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