Wednesday, February 10, 2010


this is the first photo i can put my hands on of us together. it was one taken on my old blackberry and then forwarded to my email. it was march 14th, 2009. since then we've taken hundreds, from camera to video to phone to professional, but the most vivid pictures are still the ones i have in my memory.

today marks a year since our first date.
365 days.
52 weeks.
a full cycle of the seasons; with winter seemingly getting the lion's share. (thanks to a late snow last year and the coldest winter ever this year, not to mention the icy temperatures still fresh in my memory from new york.)
every holiday, exactly one time.

the numbers seem so inadequate to capture all that we've built and celebrated and felt. the enormity of what the year has brought into my life is so much larger than what would fit on a calendar. and yet, somehow there's still a newness too.

a newness that catches me off guard at times. an unexpected shyness. an important childhood story yet untold. an article of clothing first worn. and then this. and then that. and every time i am both surprised and excited and reminded of this night a year ago and the butterflies i felt with each piece of her self revealed to me.

i've always been a person that loves movies and especially the trailers for them. i used to have a notepad in my purse where i'd scrawl, mostly illegibly in the low light, movies that looked worth seeing judging by the previews. then when the names were all but lost in my poor memory, i'd at least have the written evidence that at one time i thought they might be good.

this year is but a preview of the life haley and i are beginning together. and by the looks of it, it's a blockbuster. i'm sure of it.

d: my leading lady home from work.
b: our preview has been riveting!
g: i just heard the front door open...

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