Sunday, February 7, 2010


on the street the people of new york move in packs created by the
timing of the walk signals. yet these packs move at a speed more akin
to an olympic speed skating team than a pack of mules. perhaps it's
because the air temperature is in the 20's, never mind the wind.

i don't think so though.

for one thing, Iive found in the past couple of days that the
easiest way to pick a native out of the crowd is to look for the most
under dressed person. my brother stood on the sidewalk tonight talking
to us in a hoodie and a t-shirt, similar in weight to my fall, porch-
sitting attire. in georgia. haley pointed out that while she was
shivering in her long johns, long sleeve shirt, down coat, gloves, and
hat, he didn't even seem aware of the temperature.

and the other reason i don't suspect the winter weather is the pace
setter is because i've been here in the summer.

the pack moves just as fast then.

i believe instead that the sidewalk speed is simply an indicator of
the energy level in new york. in a city with as much packed between
two sequential streets as atlanta has in the entirety of its few
walking-shopping zones combined, you would have to go fast to even
scratch the surface.

and yet i wonder how many new yorkers are endeavoring to scratch the
surface. the endless pursuit of the next walk signal could blur the

d: a pace outside the pack
b: i'm scratching the surface
g: still two more days!!

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