Sunday, November 8, 2009


most every day i wish i lived closer to my mom.. but then there are days when i really wish it. when i really want nothing more than to go be underfoot and be taken care of. i imagine that if i lived nearby, i could do that. but then i remember that she's perhaps even busier than i am and when i am there, i often take as much pleasure in taking over her kitchen as i do in her taking care of me.

i wonder if maybe that's my style.. when i want to be taken care of, i find a way to do it for someone else. i don't know that it's healthy though. i probably should find a way to take care of myself.

luke just said to me, 'i had a dbg kind of day.' i don't know what that means to him, exactly, but it made me smile. he then proceeded to rattle off two dbg's in a row, with one of the g's being that he's grateful to be home (after a night at a friend's house), and that made me smile too. and then, of course, he made me do one. and that made me smile too.

so maybe, i don't have to go all the way to my mom's skirt-hem to find comfort. perhaps i have what i need right here.

though i do wish a dinner-cooking fairy would show up.. i'm just saying.

d: a hot shower, dinner, and bed.
b: luke had a 'dbg kind of day'.
g: my boys, my mega, and my haley.. for when mom is out of reach.

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