Friday, November 20, 2009


so, as it turns out obsessive reading isn't good for writing. but it is very good for machine based cardio. i just learned that i can indeed keep my heart rate at 85% max for an hour and never even look at the clock, as long as i am careful to keep the sweat off my book. i've been a skeptic to this possibility until now. i admit it. i was wrong.

in other late-breaking news: i am pleased to announce that i've stopped losing things. for at least a couple of weeks now, i can't think of a single lost and found hunt that's ended empty-handed, even the initially elusive things.

there has been one thing though... with the discovery of my short term memory came the loss of my coordination. (not that i had much to begin with.) and apparently this issue is contagious. last sunday i fell on a tennis ball and sprained my ankle. (lightly sprained.. the swelling is gone and the bruising mostly gone now.) today i slipped and fell in a parking lot and pulled haley down with me. scraped both my knees and hit the back of my head. (not sure how i did the latter. we suspect it was haley's knee when we tumbled.) and then this evening, luke slammed his thumb in the car door.

three minor, but rather painful, accidents in five days, affecting three people. these things come in threes? i can only hope.

what's next?

d: may it not be sanity
b: i broke away from my teen fiction to write
g: we're fully stocked on ibuprofen.

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