Sunday, November 29, 2009


it's been a scanty writing week for me as i've obsessively devoured the twilight books. finished the final one yesterday morning with both relief and remorse; because after all, i need my life back but i'm not embarrassed to admit my attachment to the characters. *shrug*

i also have been reluctant to write because i'm afraid this may sound a bit like the summer reruns. i've lost my new everyday earrings - the ones that replaced my last lost pair. mega impressed me with a heroic recovery from her spay on wednesday - jumping off the bed and running down the stairs to greet haley the very day of her surgery (to my dismay and protest, i might add). and as of tonight, my car is headed back to the shop and i'm soon to be driving another enterprise rental.

all in all, my life is on repeat.

losing things.
mega amazing me.

but it's officially the holiday season.. and i'm excited. i started christmas shopping over the holiday weekend and i shared a delicious and wonderful first thanksgiving with haley. tonight on hold with the insurance company i listened to orchestral christmas music and the neighbors are all decorating with colorful lights. i uncovered my wrapping paper stash and as soon as the tree is up next weekend, my favorite part of the season will commence - gift wrapping!

so, i'm choosing to say nevermind to the rerun and welcome to the holidays, because there's nothing i love more than christmas.

d: exit the rerun cycle
b: christmas decisions finalized!
g: injury free car-tastrophe.

*car-tastrophe of the day: on my way home from the city, the car in front of me hit the median, blew out a tire, and came to a too-abrupt stop. with traffic to my right and the aforementioned median to my left, i had nowhere to go but my brake pedal. sliding and holding my breath, mega and i crashed into the rear end of the stopped car. my car suffered the lion's share of the damage but my airbag did not deploy - thank god i disregarded that airbag recall- and so mega and i were untouched. the officer found no fault in the accident and my insurance company already has the repair and a rental in place for me.

d: the extra dents and dings repaired and repainted in the process!
b: it wasn't my fault! (my phone was safely stowed in the console, rather than my hand...)
g: haley immediately at my side before the report was even finalized.

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