i'm minutes away from doing something i haven't done in months. and i'm absolutely, utterly, on the edge of my seat with joyful anticipation for it. well, sort of on the edge of my seat. really on a massive assemblage of pillows on my bed, with mega under my left arm.
i've cleaned the house today. done the grocery shopping. planned meals for the week. worked out - twice, in fact. showered. and now.. i'm setting aside the stack of books i've been studying, er i mean reading, over the past couple of months. (and i'm setting aside this computer, just as soon as i finish this short post.) and i'm picking up my new sarah waters novel.
i've been reading non-fiction for months now.. and it's making my brain hurt. between the exercise and nutrition books saying 'do this to change your body!' and the new-agey metaphysical books saying, 'it's all in your head...even your body' and the dog-training and the money-managing and.. and..
i need a break.
how can i possibly be creative when even my relaxation time makes me do so much processing? how can i possibly relax?
and with that.. i'm off to make a dent in a totally fantastic novel about something paranormal and mysterious. and nothing i have to remember after i turn the page.
d: creativity to stimulate creativity
b: my extremely productive day is being rewarded!
g: the little stranger awaits...
fiction is good for you. enjoy!