Monday, October 5, 2009


tonight i found my watch. it's been gone for 5 days or more. but today i had a niggling feeling that i'd find it soon. i even said to haley, 'i wonder when i'm going to find my watch.' and she said, 'maybe you need a new one.' but, although i am happily ushering out the old when appropriate, i sort of knew this particular item's loss was more of a parable than a literal directive.

when my watch was missing, i wore my heart rate monitor as a watch. typically i only put it on for the gym or tennis.. but for almost the past week i've worn it around the clock. and, though perhaps a fashion faux pas in its pastel pink, it's served as a visible reminder of where i want to focus my attention and intention. an effective visible reminder, i might add.

just a week or so ago i said that i was frustrated because though obviously i'm a marketer, i haven't done any marketing for myself. and i felt stalled. haley reassured me that it's a matter of time.. and pointed out what i had done.. and for a minute there it soothed me. but i still had that feeling that there was something i should be, could be doing and i wasn't.

sort of like the laundry. or the grocery shopping.

oh wait, no, nothing like that. more like bulbs that are sitting in the freezer waiting to be planted and a beautiful crisp fall day.

so over the past five days - while forced to style around a pink plastic watch, and missing my silver kenneth cole timepiece - i've found my mind absorbed with marketing ideas for my fitness business.

and not just ideas swimming around, but ideas that have woken me up at night. ideas that have me sending myself emails. ideas that have taken me to the office supply store twice in five days. ideas that have me burning out my printer. ideas that have me playing mailman in a targeted neighborhood close to mine. ideas that have me excited and manifesting opportunity and income.

i don't believe it's any sort of coincidence that only hours after i complete my first real marketing efforts for myself, i find my old watch. but i believe i'll keep wearing my pink polar, and leave the kenneth cole on the dresser. it seems to be good for business.

d: may the phone start ringing!
b: 200 more households know about dbgfitness today than yesterday.
g: no need to replace my watch.. another ten years will be just fine.

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