newsflash: i found my perfume! lost-tally is down to 1 item. that's right - only 1 item. and i'm quite certain, well, sort of certain, that it will still turn up. (though as the smallest item.. and one that went missing when i was doing back to back traveling, the odds are slimmer, i do admit.)
anything is possible.
today a drain set down on top of my energy and eventually haley's too. i tried not to be too burdened by figuring it out, i just observed it.. and it abated. or perhaps it relocated from me to her. it was quite nearly visible though and i wanted to stick a wad of silly putty in the end of the siphon, but couldn't get my hands on an egg big enough.
sometimes it seems that despite our best efforts at attracting that which we want and need... we just get the opposite. i pulled a favorite book, the law of attraction, out from under a stack of others and i'm going to speed-reread it. i think i need a crash course this weekend because my patience has been sucked down the aforementioned drain and if the universe really does love speed, now is the time to show me.
anything is possible.
tonight i cleaned out my closet. a pile of clothes the size of a small recliner is sitting in my bathroom floor, waiting to go to goodwill. this time i'm really taking it. and i suppose on the way to the car, i should pick up the three (or maybe more?) industrial size trashbags of give-away clothes in the closet under the stairs. too often my clean-outs simply result in a relocation.
maybe that's what happened today. energy is contagious. so it makes sense that the evaporation of it would be too. or maybe the low pressure system that's descended on atlanta is having a similar effect on us.
anything is possible.
today at the gym we decided to switch up an exercise.. use a barbell instead of two dumbbells. haley reached for the 40 and i picked up the 30. (less than we'd usually use, but we were gauging the difference before increasing, right?) after completing a set of walking lunges that felt like a mile each way, we opted for dumbbells.
haley put her bar up. and i stood there looking at the rack and wondering how the hell i'd get the bar off my shoulders. i'd had a hard enough time getting it up there. of course, haley rescued me and when she put it on the rack she said, 'how much was that bar?' i replied, '30 pounds.' and she said, 'uh no..' and checked the label on the end... 'it's 60!' the weight sticker was missing from the end i looked at and the weight was misplaced in the 30 slot. haley said, 'that shows you how much of it is mind over matter, i guess.' tonight my legs feel like cement.
anything is possible.
i've picked up a lot of bars that i thought were 30 but turned out to be 60, when i really think about it. nothing is quite as you expect it to be and when you drop that weight off, you're often surprised to see how heavy it really was.
d: attachment to the possibilities.
b: i can carry more than i think i can.
g: lost-tally nearly to zero!
Get rid of all that stuff in trash bags and you'd be amazed at how much energy you'll find!