Thursday, June 4, 2009


i've been thinking a lot lately about words and languages. languages of love and intuition. written language. pictures as language. but maybe what i've been missing is the dialect. perhaps what i should've mentioned is that slight tilt our language has based on where we're from.

or where we're coming from.

the words we hear are so colored by our own experiences that the original intent is often lost in translation. perhaps no better example than that of text messaging. just a few words, 160 characters or less, and all the layers and layers of our own emotions and mental calculations imparting a dialect.

we read and write short phrases, which are by definition short. and attach fear, insecurity, guilt. meanings attach to the stray punctuation or the abbreviated expression. significance attaches to the timing and the frequency. we imagine the scenario on the other side of the message. we imagine the expression and the tone.

and i've learned that so often we're wrong.

fear, insecurity, guilt? why are these the things to apply as filters?
why not love, confidence and humility?
why not compassion and expansion rather than blame and protection?

i will quiet the dialect of my own and listen for the dialect of others. i will expect the best and trust in the good. i will give the benefit of the doubt and send my expectation of love and peace.

and i will get what i expect. because as the great poet john lennon said:

The love you take is equal to the love you make.

d: clarity in translation.
b: i know text shorthand.
g: full qwerty keyboard on my phone, ftw.


  1. i've had the discussion with several people that texting is communication, not conversation. it lacks nuance and inflection and can feign indifference too, too easily. a warm voice and laughter will always win the day.

    short of that, i love the practice of expectation of the good. this blog entry is my new primer and i have made copious notes - thanks. xoxo

  2. d: clarity in translation, too.
    b: my daughter has a full qwerty keyboard on her phone and even though I don't know what it is, I'm sure proud she's grateful for it.
    g: that there are new languages to explore, but wtf is ftw?

  3. momma, ftw means 'for the win'! as in awesome or cool or cheer! xox
