Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Sleep is the best meditation.
~dalai lama

if the dalai lama is correct, i'm a master meditator because when i meditate, it always ends in sleep. and then i dream of what i was meditating on.. sometimes good, sometimes bad. always a little insane.

a few years ago luke was having a hard time at school. he was struggling with his reading and seemed to be held back mostly by his own idea that he couldn't. he hated school and even said, 'i hate learning.' he said he felt dumb there. it was heart breaking and no amount of encouragement or proof to the contrary could get through to him.

so, i decided to try something different. every night before i went to bed i'd go into his room and sit down beside him, while he slept. i would talk to him then. tell him the truth about himself. how smart he is and how much i believed in him. a little night-time pep talk, if you will.

wouldn't you know, all other things in his life equal, i began to see significant strides in his attitude about reading and school. he didn't know i did that. he didn't remember it in the mornings and never woke up when i was doing it. but i know he heard me.

this morning i'm laying beside haley as she sleeps. when i hit publish on this blog, i plan to fill her sleepy unconsciousness with what's in my heart.

shhh, don't tell.

d: open minds and hearts to sleepy-time meditation
b: luke is a great reader now!
g: dreams.. oh such sweet dreams..

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