Friday, May 15, 2009


poor narcissus... he scorned echo and then found himself doomed to unrequited love with his own reflection. i find it funny that the woman, er nymph, that he scorned was called echo. a touch of irony there, perhaps.

i've never thought two iotas about narcissus or narcissism until haley asked me if i thought she was. i laughed and reassured her that her ego is all well grounded in truth. but ever since, i can't shake the idea that she and i are narcissistic as hell about us together.

we'll happily wax poetic to any willing audience about our story (even with reenactments if you catch us in the right mood); we'll whip out couple-photos (we each have a sheet of wallets); we'll display saved texts (thank goodness they are unlimited.. i have thousands, literally); we'll itemize the fantastic qualities of each other (and how perfectly we complement the other); we'll compete over who 'knew' first (me)... and i could go on and on.


i'm afraid we've become afflicted by narcissus' disorder since we met each other. what does that mean for our future?

consulting my tattered copy of edith hamilton's Mythology.

narcissus, spurning all others, perished at the side of the reflecting pool in love with only himself.

so, i would like to assert that my and haley's couple-narcissism is something in fact to embrace. dismissing all others and celebrating the ways we are better together doesn't sound like a bad way to go.

and for those of you who have to endure us, i apologize in advance for i fear it will only get worse...

d: justified couple-narcissism for all. (ie. love)
b: have you met haley? (i have.)
g: see b

1 comment:

  1. Halica sounds better.

    and my guess is that Haley would agree.

    but then, the title loses it's irony. *shrug* ;)
