Saturday, May 23, 2009


on my first date with haley, i arrived at her house and was greeted by two small jack russell'ish dogs.

in clothes.

i know, i know, it's fairly common for dog people to put their small, short haired dogs in clothes in the winter, but i was wearing a t-shirt and umm, i don't have a fur coat. it also added another layer to the haley i knew up to that point.

everyone's seen the pictures of pets and owners that appear to be cut from the same cloth, but i've also noticed that most of the time pets reflect their owner's personality. so, a jack russell chihuahua mix wearing a t-shirt that said i lost my pants to lounge around the house raised my eyebrows in curiosity. a fashion diva? haley? little did i know.

haley's closet is four levels of stacked and hanging clothes, plus two vertical stackers. add to that a set of 15 school lockers filled, two door hangers of shoes and at least 2 trash bags and 1 unpacked box of clothes that just won't fit. and that's just what i can see from my vantage on the bed. i have a feeling there are more boxes yet to be unearthed in the living room.

so, perhaps oliver's fancy blue t-shirt and studded collar were indeed a hint of haley's clothing obsession.

being on selman street for a week means that i'm sharing living space with not one, not two, but four jack russell'ish dogs. oliver, green, gg and artex. the latter two belonging to mel.

four dogs, similar breed, same house, twin sisters for owners - what better opportunity for me to test my theory on pets' personalities matching their humans.

artex: passive, independent and oh-so-vocal about his needs.. (one might even say whiney. not me, but 'one'.)
gg: prissy, playful wild ass that wants to be the center of attention. (and let's be honest, usually gets it..)

oliver: loving, sweet, affectionate to the point of clingy and known to eat my panties. (yes, my favorite black panties: devoured by oliver)
green: mature, alpha dyke, quiet unless challenged and then quite fierce (beware the bloodshed)

one more time:
mel's dogs: artex and gg
haley's dogs: oliver and green


did i mention that oliver fell immediately in love with me?

d: a cavalier king charles spaniel of my own.
b: i can tell the four white jack russells apart and know all of their names.
g: i overcame my dog allergy, simply by falling in love.

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