Thursday, May 28, 2009


'I See' by taxi for MOMA

sunday haley and i walked through the decatur arts festival. it's the second art show we've been to in the past few weeks and has to rank up there as one of my favorite things to do together.

so many people walk around those shows like the guy in the video, initially at least.

'where can i get a beer?'
'are they selling t-shirts somewhere?'
'$2500?!? has he f*&$ing lost his mind?!'
'can i sit over there and wait for you?'

but not haley. and her energy is contagious. methodically combing every row of tents in search of the thing that captivates her. (which i can relate to, because it's how i shop for clothes after all.) and when she finds it, there's no, 'oh that's pretty.' instead, passionate outbursts of 'that's f*&#ing brilliant!!' and 'look at the bunnies!' and 'god, that's amazing!' resonate. but even more than that is the look on her face...i wish i had a picture.

surely, it's because she's an artist. and inspired. it's how i read, voraciously.. looking for words i don't know.. expressions and literary genius. i dog-ear pages of passages i love, cry over characters that touch me, and lose myself in stories i wish i'd written myself.

...wish i'd written myself...

i've told myself 'i don't have a story' for years now. that's the story i've written. but i'm turning the page and writing a new one.

this one will have dog-eared passages and tear stained pages too...for someone else.

and my name on the cover.

d: birth of a story.
b: i see.
g: contagious energy.


  1. This reader waits eagerly.

  2. tap tap tap.... no pressure. ;-)

  3. Jessley or Haleica?

  4. looks like this comment will put this entry at the top of the "most commented" column. quick! to the analytics page ;)
